November, 1873.
PAGE | |
History and Biography | 1 |
Voyages and Travel | 5 |
Science | 7 |
Essays, Lectures, and Collected Papers | 12 |
Military Works | 15 |
India and the East | 19 |
Books for the Young, &c. | 21 |
Poetry | 24 |
Fiction | 26 |
Theological | 31 |
Cornhill Library of Fiction | 36 |
THE NORMAN PEOPLE, And their existing descendants in theBritish Dominions and the United States of America. Onehandsome vol. 8vo. Price 21s. [In the Press.
This work is the result of many yearsof research into the history of the Normanrace in England. It is generally supposedto have become extinct; but careful studyhas shown that it exists and forms a largepart of the English people. In the courseof the work the early history of the wholearistocracy is revised, reconstructed, andvery many thousands of families are shownto be Norman which have never beforebeen accounted for.
A MEMOIR OF THE LATE REVEREND DR. ROWLANDWILLIAMS, With selections from his Note-books and Correspondence.Edited by Mrs. Rowland Williams. With a Photographic Portrait.[In the Press.
THE RUSSIANS IN CENTRAL ASIA. A Critical Examination,down to the present time, of the Geography and History of Central Asia.By Baron F. Von Hellwald, Member of the Geographical Societiesof Paris, Geneva, Vienna, &c., &c. Translated by Lieut.-Col.Theodore Wirgman, LL.B., late 6th Inniskilling Dragoons; formerlyof the Austrian Service; Translator into English verse of Schiller’s“Wallenstein’s Camp.” [Nearly ready.
THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATIONAL DEFENCE. Fromthe 30th June to the 31st October, 1870. The Plain Statement of aMember. By Mons. Jules Favre. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 10s. 6d.
BOKHARA: ITS HISTORY AND CONQUEST. By ProfessorArminius Vàmbèry, of the University of Pesth, Author of “Travelsin Central Asia,” &c. Demy 8vo. Price 18s.
“We conclude with a cordial recommendat