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A half million enthusiastic followers of the Merriwell brotherswill attest the unfailing interest and wholesomeness of theseadventures of two lads of high ideals, who play fair with themselves,as well as with the rest of the world.
These stories are rich in fun and thrills in all branches ofsports and athletics. They are extremely high in moral tone,and cannot fail to be of immense benefit to every boy who readsthem.
They have the splendid quality of firing a boy’s ambition tobecome a good athlete, in order that he may develop into astrong, vigorous right-thinking man.
1—Frank Merriwell’s School Days | By Burt L. Standish |
2—Frank Merriwell’s Chums | By Burt L. Standish |
3—Frank Merriwell’s Foes | By Burt L. Standish |
4—Frank Merriwell’s Trip West | By Burt L. Standish |
5—Frank Merriwell Down South | By Burt L. Standish |
6—Frank Merriwell’s Bravery | By Burt L. Standish |
7—Frank Merriwell’s Hunting Tour | By Burt L. Standish |
8—Frank Merriwell in Europe | By Burt L. Standish |
9—Frank Merriwell at Yale | By Burt L. Standish |
10—Frank Merriwell’s Sports Afield | By Burt L. Standish |
11—Frank Merriwell’s Races | By Burt L. Standish |
12—Frank Merriwell’s Party | By Burt L. Standish |
13—Frank Merriwell’s Bicycle Tour | By Burt L. Standish |
14—Frank Merriwell’s Courage | By Burt L. Standish |