Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Margaret Sanger
My thanks are due especially to Rackham Holt for her discerning aidin organizing material and for her untiring and inspired advice duringthe preparation of this book; as well as to Walter S. Haywardwhose able assistance has helped to make the task lighter.
In the course of preparing this narrative many books have beenconsulted. I trust their authors will agree with me that a bibliographyin a personal history is cumbersome and accept a general but none theless grateful acknowledgment.
My admiration has always gone out to the person who can put himselfin print and set down for historical purposes an exact record ofhis honest feelings and thoughts, even though they may seem to reflectupon many of his friends and helpers. I have not in this storyhurt any one by intent. Because its thread has, of necessity, followeddramatic highlights, many people who played prominent parts havenot been mentioned. These I have not forgotten, nor those numerousothers who made smaller offerings. Some have pioneered in theirspecial fields and localities; some have given generously and unfailinglyof their financial help; some have volunteered in full measuretheir time and efforts as officers and Committee members; some havefought and labored by my side throughout the years; some havestepped in for only a brief but significant role. Although on the outskirtsof the army, it is to these last as well as to those in the vanguardthat the advance has been made. And particularly do I wish to thankthose co-workers and members of the various staffs whose contributionscan in no way be measured by their duties, and whose indefatigable,loyal devotion has been a bulwark of strength to me at all times.
6It has been impossible to carry out my sincere desire to give personaland individual recognition and expression of gratitude to all.Neither a history of the birth control movement nor the part I havetaken in it could be complete, however, did I not pay tribute to theintegrity, valiance, courage, and clarity of vision of the men andwomen who, year after year, maintained their principles, and neverswerve BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!
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