
History of Sanitation


Author of

"Principles and Practice of Plumbing," "Sewage Purification
and Disposal," "Wrought Pipe Drainage Systems,"
and "Plumbing Plans and Specifications"


Published by

Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co.


Copyright 1909 by Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, U. S. A.



When the manuscript for this volume was prepared,there was no decided intention of publishing it in bookform. Originally it was intended to appear as a serial in"Modern Sanitation," and grew out of a request from theEditor of that magazine to write an article that would tracethe advancement made in sanitation from its earliest stagesto the present time.

Sanitation has been given but little thought by historians,consequently, considerable study and research werenecessary to dig from musty tomes and ancient records astory that would prove interesting and instructive. Havingsucceeded in gathering together much of interest to sanitarians,and in view of the fact that no other history ofsanitation was ever written, the work was deemed worthyof a more permanent place in literature, and it was decidedto put it forth in more enduring form. The book is thereforeoffered to the public with the fervent hope that thosewho read its pages will derive as much pleasure as did theauthor in preparing the manuscript.

J. J. Cosgrove

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

February 15th, 1909


Publisher's Note

The primary object of our organization is, as is universallyknown, to manufacture and market "Standard" PlumbingFixtures, Brass Goods and other products made in our factories.In the development of an organization to accomplish this result,there has been established an Advertising and PublishingDepartment of no small proportions, and the "History of Sanitation"is simply the outgrowth of the work of this department.This brief statement will, we believe, serve to give the public aclear understanding of our somewhat unique position of being atthe same time manufacturers and publishers.

The first serious work of the Publishing Department on alarge scale was "Modern Sanitation" (established June, 1904).From this came the publication, first in serial form and later asa book, of J. J. Cosgrove's first work, "Principles and Practiceof Plumbing" (book published December, 1906). The phenomenalsuccess of the book is a matter of general knowledge,although it may not be widely known that "Principles and Practiceof Plumbing" has been adopted as a text book in more thanthirty universities and colleges in the United States, and bidsfair to be adopted in others. This magnificent achievement hasbeen accomplished solely on the merit of the work and withoutsolicitation on the part of either the author or publisher.

There is now offered almost simultaneously two new booksby Mr. Cosgrove, one being the volume in hand and the other"Sewage Purification and Disposal."

In "History of Sanitation," "Sewage Purification and Disposal"and "Principles and Practice of Plumbing" we feel thatthe literature of the



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