The Table of Contents is located at the end of the book.
Please see Transcriber's Endnote for details of this transcription.
Whilest I abode (right Honorable)in the Isle of Palma, in affaires ofmerchandize for the vvorshipfullThomas Locke deceased, and his company,time then permitted me, tohaue cōference vvith auncient gentlemenvvhiche had serued in the Conquest of thevveft India, novve called nevve Spaine, vnder theprincely Captaine Hernando Cortez. By vvhom as presentvvitnesses at many of the actes herein contayned,I vvas credibly informed, that this delectableand vvorthy Historie is a most true and iust reporteof matter paste in effect: vvherefore I did the morevvillingly turne ouer and peruse the same, vvhicheis a Mirrour and an excellent president, for all suchas shall take in hande to gouerne nevve Discoueries:for here they shall behold, hovv Glorie, Renovvne,and perfite Felicitie, is not gotten but vvith greatepaines, trauaile, perill and daunger of life: here shallthey see the vvisedome, curtesie, valour and pollicieof vvorthy Captaynes, yea and the faithfull hartesvvhiche they ought to beare vnto their Princes seruice:here also is described, hovv to vse and correctthe stubbern & mutinous persons, & in vvhat orderto exalt the good, stoute and vertuous Souldiers, andchiefly, hovv to preserue and keepe that bevvtifullDame Lady Victorie vvhē she is obtayned. And vvhereit vvas supposed, that the golden mettall had his beginningand place in the East and VVeast India, nearevnto the hote Zoane, (as moste learned vvritershelde opinion) it is novve approued by the venteroustrauellour and vvorthy captaine Martin FrobisherEsquire, yea and also through the great