Dave Porter Series
"Dave Porter at Bear Camp" is a completestory in itself, but forms the eleventh volume ina line issued under the general title of "DavePorter Series."
As I have mentioned several times, this serieswas started a number of years ago by the publicationof "Dave Porter at Oak Hall," in which myyoung readers were introduced to a typical, wide-awakeAmerican lad at an up-to-date Americanboarding school.
The publication of this first volume was followedby that of "Dave Porter in the SouthSeas," whither the lad journeyed to clear up aquestion concerning his parentage. Then came"Dave Porter's Return to School," telling ofmore doings at Oak Hall; "Dave Porter in theFar North," in which he went on a second journeylooking for his father; "Dave Porter and HisClassmates," relating more happenings at school;"Dave Porter at Star Ranch," in which our heroparticipated in many adventures in the wild West;"Dave Porter and His Rivals," showing how heoutwitted some of his old-time enemies; "DavePorter on Cave Island," giving the particulars ofa remarkable voyage on the ocean and strangedoings ashore; "Dave Porter and the Runaways,"in which the youth taught some of hischums a much-needed lesson; and finally "DavePorter in the Gold Fields," in which the lad anda number of his chums went in quest of a goldmine, all traces of which had been lost through alandslide.
The present volume tells the particulars of athrilling rescue from fire at sea, and how the boysand girls, along with some of the older folks,went for a vacation in a camp on the shore of abeautif