GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. BAKER'S Vanilla Chocolate, Like all our chocolates, is preparedwith the greatest care, andconsists of a superior quality ofcocoa and sugar, flavored withpure vanilla bean. Served as adrink, or eaten dry as confectionery,it is a delicious article,and is highly recommended bytourists. —————— Sold by Grocers everywhere. —————— W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. |
GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. BAKER'S Breakfast Cocoa. Warranted absolutely pureCocoa, from which the excess ofOil has been removed. It has threetimes the strength of Cocoa mixedwith Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar,and is therefore far more economical,costing less than one cent acup. It is delicious, nourishing,strengthening, easily digested, andadmirably adapted for invalids aswell as for persons in health. —————— Sold by Grocers everywhere. —————— W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. |
PRETTY KNIFE FREE to every boy and girlsending 8cts. in stampsfor our book of samplesof beautiful cards, and try to get orders for us. Splendid premiums for clubs.Only 8c. for cards with pocket knife free. Holly Card Co., Meriden, Ct.
Get Brainerd & Armstrong’s factory ends, called Waste Embroidery.40c. will buy one ounce, which would cost One Dollar in Skeins. All goodsilk and beautiful colors. Designs for 100 styles of Crazy Stitches enclosedin each package. Send 40cts. in stamps or postal note to THE BRAINERD& ARMSTRONG SPOOL SILK CO., 621 MarketSt., Philadelphia, Pa., or 469 Broadway, N. Y.