1Of Cleanness in Meats and Drinks. Of the Excellency of Good Airs, and of the contrary. Of the Benefits of Clean Sweet Beds, and of the Inconveniences of Feather-Beds. What Matter it is that does occasion the Generation of that pernicious Vermin called Bugs, that so many Hundreds in this City, and other great Towns, are infested with; more especially in Holland, Italy, New-England, Barbadoes, Jamaica, and in many other Places. That they are never bred but where Beds are: And that their being generated from Wooden Bedsteads, or from Hogs Hair in the Plaisterings of the Walls, is a meer Story, promoted inconsiderately by Persons mistaken in the Productions of Nature: Also, How all such Persons as are troubled with them may be cured without using Medicines, and Directions how to avoid ever having them again.
What is more profitable for all Lovers of Healthand Wisdom, than Food that is RadicallyClean? And as Bread hath deservedly the firstPlace, together with Herbs, and various sortsof excellent Fruits; so the next is Milk, which of it self is abrave, mild, and most friendly Food to Nature, very fit and profitablefor all Ages and Complexions; and if it do not agree withsome People, it is because their Stomachs are made sharp andsoured by superfluity of dainty Food, and the continual use ofstrong Drink. Also Milk being altered, it makes many sorts of2wholesom healthy Food. Next to these, are various sorts ofFlesh, which being killed in their proper Times and Seasons, andwhen they are free from their Uncleannesses, Surfeits, and otherInconveniences, which most Beasts are subject to; and if care betaken also that they be well and moderately seasoned with Salt,and boyled in plenty of River or Spring-water (which is the bestof all Waters except Rain-water) they become wholesom Nourishment.For, River-water hath the advantage of runningthrough various sorts of Earth, by which it sucks into it self afat, oylie, and saline Quality, which the Surface of the Earthdoes plentifully afford; which also is the cause of all Vegitation,and the lovely Green Colour which all Vegitables are cloth'dwith, does arise from this Saline Quality. For these Reasons,River-water will Brew, Boil, and Wash, and it is more profitablein all Uses in Houswifery, than Spring or Pump-water, and farwholesomer for Men and Beasts to drink. Also your Vessel inwhich your Fo